Self-Healing Meditation: Glow Method


Lay or sit straight in your most comfortable position.
Imagine a ball. A white ball. A little white ball.
Roll the ball around. Let the ball bounce. High.
Bounce the little white ball and guide it to land in the base of your spine.
There the little white ball lights up begins to vibrate.
Feel it. Feel the vibration turn warm across your lower back.
The glowing little white ball is vibrating… rolling up to the next vertebra….
The glowing little white ball vibrates and warms and rolls up and vibrates and warms…and rolls up and vibrates and warms….
alll the way up to the base of your neck…becoming two glowing little white ballssss….and rolls UP to just under your ear lobes…and UP around the back of your ears…and the little white balls roll around and around your temple anddd….across your foreheaddd…FEEL the tingling in your whole body as the little white balls become manyyy…FEEL the warmth…in your arms…in your legs…your feet…your hands…feel your warm hands….wash them over your faceeee and UP the bridge of your nose and up to your forehead….and through your hair…into your head….back down around your neck…feel the balls glowing brighter…and spreading wide…throughout your body….feel your body light up…rising…rising…rising….breatheeee……feeling no pain….feeling only light…throughout your body….breatheeee….no pain is …just warm vibrating light…come down slowly….gather the light and concentrate it where you need to….open the door…place the light inside and close the door. Breathe. You may feel to sleep. Rest well.